I am a juried Teaching Artist with The Kentucky Arts Council, Arts For All Kentucky, formerly VSA of KY (serving special needs populations) and the TN Arts Commission. I have designed and implemented hands-on art programs for children and adults, for classrooms, alternative schools, juvenile justice facilities, libraries and summer programs I also provide Professional Development sessions for teachers, librarians.
Programs can be presented VIRTUALLY using Google Classroom or Zoom
To access grants go to:
https://artsforallky.org - Inclusionary Grant
http://artscouncil.ky.gov- Teaching Arts Together Grant
Now included in the KY Library Register of Teaching Artists!
Experience designing and conducting projects that included painting, collage art
and more for libraries. Projects can be tied to books, seasons, holidays, local history.
Programs can be presented VIRTUALLY using Google Classroom or Zoom
To access grants go to:
https://artsforallky.org - Inclusionary Grant
http://artscouncil.ky.gov- Teaching Arts Together Grant
Now included in the KY Library Register of Teaching Artists!
Experience designing and conducting projects that included painting, collage art
and more for libraries. Projects can be tied to books, seasons, holidays, local history.

30' Mural created with students at Ohio County Middle School Spring 2014 thru a VSA Inclusionary Project illustrating the four content areas of the arts taught in schools and based on paintings by famous artists.
Click on photos below to learn more about the projects
In addition to residencies through all of the programs listed above....
* Patricia taught the visual arts component at the SKYPAC Arts Festival each year for area special needs students
* brought in for a VSA special initiative to help develop field trips with the Danville Community Arts Center for special education students
*designed and implemented a 6 day summer art camp for The Kelly Autism Center in Bowling Green, KY
*chosen to work with middle school students in Bowling Green on a special environmental awareness project through VSA of KY
to study ground water run-off and create art in response to their findings.
* Patricia taught the visual arts component at the SKYPAC Arts Festival each year for area special needs students
* brought in for a VSA special initiative to help develop field trips with the Danville Community Arts Center for special education students
*designed and implemented a 6 day summer art camp for The Kelly Autism Center in Bowling Green, KY
*chosen to work with middle school students in Bowling Green on a special environmental awareness project through VSA of KY
to study ground water run-off and create art in response to their findings.
Professional Development Sessions for teachers and school librarians to
help them connect hands-on art projects/activities with studies across the curriculum. Ms. Ritter provides hands-on projects to address the processes of art making, develop critical thinking skills and she comes with a wide range of ideas to engage creativity for all ages and abilities.
Adair County teachers were so excited to spend a day with Pat Ritter learning how to apply art into all content areas. All of them felt it was one of the best professional development days they had ever attended! Adair County teachers are looking forward to having Pat return again in the near future to share her wealth of knowledge with them. Phyllis Curry, Academic Dean, Adair County Board of Education
I attended a Professional Development training with Ms. Pat on how to integrate art and humanities into the regular classroom. I am the library media specialist at my school this PD had practical ideas that will work and let our students enjoy hands-on art that supports the content. Thanks for the great PD!.....Amy Morgan, Library Media Specialist, Burkesville Elementary School, Cumberland Co.
3 hour Professional Development in the Visual Arts
$600 plus materials, mileage and lodging (if appropriate).
6 hour Professional Development in the Visual Arts--
$1,000 plus materials, mileage and lodging (if appropriate).
1. General Session on integrating the visual arts across the curriculum...Getting Ready to Fold Art into Your Classroom
2. Keeping a Nature Journal— Learning to Observe, Record and Enjoy the world around us...connect to earth science,
language arts, visual arts, physical education, math, social studies , etc. Includes journal and colored pencils and instructions on how
to lead students in keeping their nature journal.
3. 2D Projects—Using the Elements of Art and Principles of Design….drawing, painting, landscapes, portraits
OR how to create a mural with students.
4. 3D projects—Working with air dry clay to create small sculptures —connect with visual arts,
social studies, math, language arts - endless ways to use in the classroom for hands-on connections.
Teachers sketch and create 3D or bas-relief objects to illustrate subject given by PD Instructor .